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Ok, managed to figure it out but will leave this here in case anyone ever has the same problem.
It turns out that after building the ntruencrypt library on Cygwin, the libraries are placed in a folder called [NTRU_DIR]/.libs/. The .configure script for wolfSSL looks for them in the [NTRU_DIR]/lib folder instead so never finds them.
Renaming the folder did the trick.
I am trying to build wolfSSL with NTRU enabled using Cygwin. I'm using the following configuration:
./configure --enable-certreq --enable-certgen --enable-maxstrength --enable-pkcs7 --with-ntru=/usr/local/include/ --enable-qsh
however it seems to fail when building NTRU with the error:
checking for NTRU... configure: error: NTRU isn't found.
If it's already installed, specify its path using --with-ntru=/dir/
Looking through the config file I see that the setting tries to run ntru by including the .h files so used the .h folder as well as the built libraries and various combinations of the ntru-crypto directory including the src directory with no results.
Has anyone been able to get this done on Windows using CygWin?
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