Hi Kaleb,
We may switch over to a more private channel - I'll let you know when this will happen.
For the moment I will play with it and understand its strenghts.
Thanks for reaching out to me so quickly.
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Please post questions or comments you have about wolfSSL products here. It is helpful to be as descriptive as possible when asking your questions.
ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by coco21
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Hi Kaleb,
We may switch over to a more private channel - I'll let you know when this will happen.
For the moment I will play with it and understand its strenghts.
Thanks for reaching out to me so quickly.
Hi HexFive team,
Another question popping up in my head since I don't have any FPGA board yet.
Is it possible to run the whole HexFive stack on SiFive "FreedomStudio-", namely on QEMU emulation? That would be great and in line what I am seeking for.
I see SiFive's studio is using some .dts and qemu configuration files, can I find this somewhere?
Or can I simply run a E31 based (RV32IMAC) platform right ahead? I mean E300 (or X300 softcore) at the end runs he E31 coreplex plus some mem-mapped peripherals.
You help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
Hi HexFive team,
Great it now works. You mention it here and I was thinking this as well: there is a specific need regarding the wolfSSL version.
What I initially did
1. $ git clone https://github.com/hex-five/multizone-s … -stack.git
2. $ git clone https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl.git
3. Manually copy the wolfSSL into the HexFive folder structure at ..\multizone-secure-iot-stack\ext\wolfssl
4. Attempt to do a "make all"
Whereas I simply had to use the "--recursive" keyword to pick correct @272181b.
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/hex-five/multizone-s … -stack.git
With that it work, thanks much, I can now start playing with it, cool!
Thx coco21
Hi David,
Thanks for answering so quickly.
Ok tried both options you propose but problem persists.
I indeed do the modifications here: zone2/user_settings.h#L218 as indicated by your GitHub link.
What am I missing? Did a complete make clean to be sure nothing remains in there.
Thx coco21
Hey all,
Just started to use HexFive Iot stack and hit same problem as already reported in another thread named
"Re: [SOLVED] build error in wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h"
I tried following instructions given in this thread but this unfortunately did not help in my case.
Using code from here: https://github.com/hex-five/multizone-secure-iot-stack
Using toolchains and OCD from SiFive here: https://www.sifive.com/boards/
Error I get basically is this one:
../ext/wolfssl/wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h:1727:10: error: #error "FFDHE parameters are too large for FP_MAX_BIT as set"
#error "FFDHE parameters are too large for FP_MAX_BIT as set"
Tried various things including tweaking wolfSSL macros but am not able to make it compile, remains stucked in zone 2.
Attached my make process output - hope that helps, certainly a stupid thing I forgot but cannot find ...
Can you please advise?
Thanks much already
Hey all,
Just started to use HexFive Iot stack and hit same problem as reported in this thread.
Using code from here: https://github.com/hex-five/multizone-secure-iot-stack
Using toolchains and OCD from SiFive here: https://www.sifive.com/boards/
Tried various things including tweaking wolfSSL macros but am not able to make it compile, remains stucked in zone 2.
Attached my make process output - hope that helps, certainly a stupid thing I forgot but cannot find ...
Can you please advise?
Thanks much already
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wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by coco21
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