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Hi coco21,
The MultiZone Secure IoT Stack is certified to work with wolfSSL 3.15.7 @272181b.
Any different versions of its dependencies may not work as expected or require some tweaking.
External dependencies include: FreeRTOS, picoTCP, wolfSSL, and MultiZone TEE. The right versions of these components are all included in the MultiZone Secure IoT Stack repository on GitHub.
Hex Five's prebuilt reference RISC-V toolchain is optional and recomendded … 226.tar.xz
Please follow the instructions in readme and manual and let us know if you need help with your RISC-V project. … / … manual.pdf
Hex Five Tech Support
Hi coco21,
The MultiZone Secure IoT Stack is certified to work with wolfSSL 3.15.7 @272181b.
Any different versions of its dependencies may not work as expected or require some tweaking.
External dependencies include: FreeRTOS, picoTCP, wolfSSL, and MultiZone TEE. These are all included in the MultiZone Secure IoT Stack repository on GitHub
Hex Five's prebuilt reference toolchainis is optional and recomended … 226.tar.xz
Please follow the instructions in readme and manual and let us know if you need help with your RISC-V project. … / … manual.pdf
Hex Five Tech Support
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