Thank you. Our first order of business is to build wolfcrypt into our C++ program, after that we can evaluate the CAdES-BES porting. We are struggling at the moment.
Yes we can refactor and use wc_PKCS7_* family of APIs.
Is there an utility in WC to convert client key and PK certificates from PEM to and from DER?
Now the biggest problem we face is the linking of wolfcrypt object files, compiled in clang, with the rest of the program compiled with clang++.
Does wolfcrypt require the runtime to provide `strncasecmp'? I ask because of this linker error:
Error: TA/libseccamdemo64.a.p/.._subprojects_wolfssl_wolfcrypt_src_ecc.c.o(.text+0x1c34): undefined reference to `strncasecmp'
We are facing what look like C vs C++ linker problems:
Error: /pkg/qct/software/llvm/release/arm/8.0.12/aarch64-none-elf/lib/libc++.a(.text._ZNSt3__117iostream_categoryEv+0x4c): undefined reference to `__dso_handle'
Error: /pkg/qct/software/llvm/release/arm/8.0.12/aarch64-none-elf/lib/libc++.a(.text._ZNSt3__117__libcpp_sscanf_lEPKcP15__locale_structS1_z+0x60): undefined reference to `uselocale'