Thanks for the answer. This is an interception proxy called ZAP. Its similar to Charles Proxy, Burp or Fiddler. The proxy needs to have traffic directed to it explicitly. Is there a way to do this with the Wolfssl client?

If someone uses Wolfssl to build a client on an embedded system, and needs to direct requests to a http proxy, how would this be accomplished?

Kind Regards


Hello Wolfssl Community

I have a noob question. I would like to use a proxy with the wolfssl client for testing. How can I get the wolfssl client  to send traffic to an explicit http proxy?

I have tried exporting variables for http_proxy https_proxy with no luck.

I have also tried the openssl syntax like this

./examples/client/client -h www.newegg.com -p 443 -g -d -proxy 

but I get an error message of "wolfSSL error: port number cannot be 0"

Any help would be greatly appreciated!