Yes, you are right. Thanks Jeff for the help  smile


I am trying to get sha256 hash of a message "This is the message" using wolfssl library function wc_Sha256Hash() and compared it with an online sha generator result. I am getting both hashes different.

From wc_Sha256Hash() function I got this hash "yO1eZXE/gXC40HaajtjDV0C6C3BtWFbiLXCb4eABz4w=" (after base64 encoding)
From online Sha generator I got this hash "c8ed5e65713f8170b8d0769a8ed8c35740ba0b706d5856e22d709be1e001cf8c"

Why both are different ? Am I missing something ?


(3 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Kaleb J. Himes wrote:

Checking if an internal example exists, will get back to you shortly!

- KH

Sure thanks, I will wait for your reply.


(3 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

I am unable to upload xml file. But It is a standard sign xml file. which looks as shown at this link


(3 replies, posted in wolfSSL)


I have a signed xml artifact which I have to verify inside a stm32f4 based embedded system. I need to verify the signature of the xml artifact using public key and also need to sign new xml data with my private key. The signarute is based on SHA256-RSA:4096

Going through the documentation, I understand how to sign and verify simple data but I don't know how verify xml data. Because Signing XML artifact requires canonicalization, transformation and then create signature. I didn't found any documentation, how can I do this using wolfssl library.

please let me know, if there is any documentation or example where it is shown how to sign and verify xml data using wolfssl library.

I am attaching sample xml artifact with this post.
