You didn't enable the HASH in the CubeMX project under Security, you ijeet!

Am using Stm32CubeIDE V1.5.0 with WolfSSL V4.5.0. Have built a project from STM32CubeMX based on an STM32L552 Nucleo board.

I have hit the build button and have the following error:

../Middlewares/Third_Party/wolfSSL_wolfSSL_wolfSSL/wolfssl/wolfcrypt/src/port/st/stm32.c: In function 'wc_Stm32_Hash_Update':
../Drivers/STM32L5xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h:1456:36: error: 'HASH_ALGOMODE_HASH' undeclared

I have looked for it's definition and found  this in stm32_hal_legacy.h:

#define HASH_AlgoMode_HASH         HASH_ALGOMODE_HASH

But the definition for HASH_ALGOMODE_HASH is as so:

#if !defined(HASH_ALGOMODE_HASH) && defined(HASH_AlgoMode_HASH)

Like a catch 22!!  I have been searching through every file in the ST installation.

My questions are:
        Should this be sent to ST? 
        Can you help with any pointers?

