Hi Eric,
Thank you for your response! I tried building as a static lib, unfortunately it gives the same error
Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated,
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by mohannad.hassan
Pages 1
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your response! I tried building as a static lib, unfortunately it gives the same error
Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated,
I am attempting to use additional functions from libpbc in the ssl.c file, and it is giving these linker errors when i run make. I have attempted to add libpbc and libgmp paths to LDFLAGS on the configure line, as well as adding them to the includes in ssl.c and it still gives the same error. I have attached a diff file for the ssl changes, as well as the linker errors .
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by mohannad.hassan
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