Hmm, could swear I tried this yesterday and the board would not boot. I have defined
to zero. Code compiles and run on product.
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by dbomsta
Pages 1
Hmm, could swear I tried this yesterday and the board would not boot. I have defined
to zero. Code compiles and run on product.
Adding timeval search result.
This is just not making sense. I have imported WolfSSL into our LCP54 project in MCUXpresso. I have configured WolfSSL (hopefully correctly). When I compile I get the following error.
Description Resource Path Location Type
redefinition of 'struct timeval' sockets.h /Titan_Gateway/LIB/lwip/src/include/lwip line 440 C/C++ Problem
In wolfssl/callback.h (~line 5) a structure named WOLFSSL_TIMEVAL is defined. The search locates 17 matches to "struct timeval", but not are actual definitions of timeval.
Pages 1
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by dbomsta
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