Thanks for your help.
?" As you said, the clinet_hello is 121 bytes. why when I try to printf it, I get "þý
it is not 121 bytes!
Is it correct?
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by lili
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Thanks for your help.
?" As you said, the clinet_hello is 121 bytes. why when I try to printf it, I get "þý
it is not 121 bytes!
Is it correct?
Also, I define the custom I/O callback, because I do not use TCP and ...
I use these functions for defining the callbacks
wolfSSL_CTX_SetIORecv(ctx, my_IORecv);
wolfSSL_CTX_SetIOSend(ctx, my_IOSend);
int my_IOSend(WOLFSSL* ssl, char* buff, int sz, void* ctx)
int my_IORecv(WOLFSSL* ssl, char* buff, int sz, void* ctx)
After that, I use wolfSSL_connect(ssl). The my_IOSend(...) is called. I check, the paraments that are passed to the my_IOSend, like buff and sz, but I become so confused:
I get sz = 121, but the buff is þý. The debugging log as this:
ŽwolfSSL Entering DTLS_client_method_ex
wolfSSL Entering wolfSSL_CTX_new_ex
wolfSSL Entering wolfSSL_CertManagerNew
wolfSSL Leaving WOLFSSL_CTX_new, return 0
wolfSSL Entering SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback
wolfSSL Entering SSL_new
wolfSSL Leaving SSL_new, return 0
SSL session has been configured to use DTLS
wolfSSL Entering SSL_connect()
wolfSSL Entering SendClientHello
Adding signature algorithms extension
growing output buffer
Signature Algorithms extension to write
Point Formats extension to write
Supported Groups extension to write
Encrypt-Then-Mac extension to write
EMS extension to write
wolfSSL Entering DtlsMsgPoolSave()
wolfSSL Entering DtlsMsgNew()
wolfSSL Leaving DtlsMsgPoolSave(), return 0
sz 121
is it correct?
I want to use DTLS with PSK. I enable DTLS and PSK in setting of cubeMX.
I get these cipher-list
SSL session has been configured to use DTLS
and check the DTLS is enabled or not with wolf_dtls(ssl) and it is anabled.
I define a callback function for PSK with wolfSSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback(...). I have a question here, PSK value is defined here?
Hello everybody,
I wanna to use PSK in DTLS. I chose wolfDTLS_client_method().
If use PSK, is it supposed as session key? I'm confused, how session key is produced?
These errors are related to
undefined reference to `wc_PRF_TLS' STM32L4A6 line 0, external location:
undefined reference to `wc_PRF_TLS' tls.c /STM32L4A6/Middlewares/wolfSSL/wolfSSL/wolfSSL/Core C/C++ Problem
Thanks in advance
Thanks for you help.
this problem is solved. but I confront with these errors now:
./Middlewares/wolfSSL/wolfSSL/wolfSSL/Core/tls.o: in function `BuildTlsFinished': STM32L4A6 C/C++ Problem
./Middlewares/wolfSSL/wolfSSL/wolfSSL/Core/tls.o: in function `DeriveTlsKeys': STM32L4A6 C/C++ Problem
./Middlewares/wolfSSL/wolfSSL/wolfSSL/Core/tls13.o: in function `DeriveEarlySecret':
Do you have any ideas?
Hi all,
I tried to run one example from I-CUBE-wolfSSL example.
My compiler is STM32CubeIDE.
I have three errors:
1- 'asm' operand has impossible constraints sp_cortexm.c /STM32L475/Middlewares/wolfSSL/wolfSSL/wolfCrypt/Core line 15344 C/C++ Problem
2- make: *** [Middlewares/wolfSSL/wolfSSL/wolfCrypt/Core/ Middlewares/wolfSSL/wolfSSL/wolfCrypt/Core/sp_cortexm.o] Error 1 STM32L475 C/C++ Problem
3- make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... STM32L475 C/C++ Problem
how can i solve these errors?
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wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by lili
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