Hello Eric,

Thank you. Sorry for the many questions out there. lets continue on the ZenDesk portal. I have replied to you there.

Kind regards,
Ahmed Mohammed


I am trying to use some crypto algorithms provided by wolfCrypt in an AUTOSAR environment where no C standard or external libraries should be used. I don't configure and build the whole wolfssl project. Instead, I include all project files inside the AUTOSAR environment, build the needed C files and use the user_setting file to include only needed features.

For example I will have these C files built only :
gcc -g -w -I/home/a/repos/test_wolfssl/wolfssl-5.3.0 -DWOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS wolfcrypt/src/aes.c wolfcrypt/src/cmac.c

My question is: How to ensure that there are no C standard libraries included and how to disable them generally?

I see in your documentation some hints to have my own C standard functions but what if I don't want to use them at all. 

For example in the file wolfssl/wolfcrypt/types.h: there are some include like <string.h> and <stdlib.h>

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,
Ahmed Mohammed