Hi Chris,

I tested both alternatives, compiling wolfSSL embedded SSL with either a raw ./configure or ./configure --enable-opensslextra

Here is the code (der data was removed in here).

#include <cyassl/ctaocrypt/rsa.h>
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned char der[] = { 0xAA ... };
size_t ksize = sizeof(der);
int main() {
    word32 idx =0;
    RsaKey *key = calloc(1,sizeof(RsaKey)); 
    int res = RsaPublicKeyDecode(der, &idx, key, ksize);
    return res;

compiled using :

gcc -DUSE_FAST_MATH -ggdb -I./cyassl-2.8.0 foo.c -L ./cyassl-2.8.0/src/.libs/ -lcyassl

got either 0 or -143 depending on the configure/build option.



PS : host is ubuntu 13.10 x86_64 Kernel : 3.11.0-15-generic #25-Ubuntu SMP


I'm using RsaPublicKeyDecode to load a public key, DER format, and it appears to me that the key decoding only works when --enable-opensslextra is used (wolfSSL 2.8.0).

Hopefully I missed something in the doc.

I did all tests on several Ubuntu (13.10 and 12.04) with two basic builds : raw ./configure  and ./configure --enable-opensslextra both on a C file limited to  a single :

int res = RsaPublicKeyDecode(buffer, &idx, &key, ksize);

In the first case I got a -143 error code, while second case is OK.

Are these the expected results ?

Thanks a lot,



I'm experiencing a weird problem getting bad SHA digests on file larger than 64MB

The attached (small) sample code basically do a Init, Update loop and Finalize over a file.

Everything is running fine (aka, digests are ok) till checked file is larger than 64MB.

Behavior occurs at least with SHA1, SHA256, both on windows and linux, using wolfssl 2.0.8 embedded ssl.

Did I missed something?

Thanks a lot,
