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I finally open my example server!
Thank you for your help!!
Sorry for late, Anthony.
I tried to patch with "path/to"part change to my directory of openssl, but my terminal couldn't find it.
so, I manually get .patch files from your git repository.
and generate certificate from openssl, and change names for wolfssl like falcon512.crt -> falcon_level1_cert.pem
and also move pem files to wolfssl/certs directory.
but, still I cannot start my server with it.
Hi Anthony,
First, I appreciate for your answer.
unfortunately, I already follow The instructions for generating them are at …,
But I have some error messages that following above instructions.
I excuted:
patch -p1 < /path/to/osp/oqs/openssl-sphincs.patch
bash: /path/to/osp/oqs/openssl-sphincs.patch: No such file or directory
Also, I cannot find where is actually generating certificates for wolfssl,
+ I finally find how to generate CA files on openssl scripts,
Then should I move the CA files to wolfssl/certs directoy??
Can you explain more details for me?
It will be great help for my study and research.
Thank you for kindly answering even a beginner question
Best regards, Basak
I just want to run TLS1.3 with pqc for experiments.
So, I'm just fallowing instructions at and
I excuted codes like below, also I can find my ca files at my certs directory.
examples/server/server -v 4 -l TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 \
-A certs/falcon_level5_root_cert.pem \
-c certs/falcon_level1_entity_cert.pem \
-k certs/falcon_level1_entity_key.pem \
--pqc P521_KYBER_LEVEL5
but, there's some error that:
wolfSSL error: can't load ca file, Please run from wolfSSL home dir
I cannot solve this error by my self.
so, I want to get some advice to someone
Please help me,, thank you.
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