Hi Eric,
Thank you so much for your prompt response.
The fixed file resolved the error and I could build wolfSSL 5.6.3. It seems to be working correctly.
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by hakahane
Pages 1
Hi Eric,
Thank you so much for your prompt response.
The fixed file resolved the error and I could build wolfSSL 5.6.3. It seems to be working correctly.
I am trying to build wolfSSL 5.6.3 with _WIN32_WCE but my compiler could not find "XSEEK_SET" and output a compilation error.
Looking at /wolfssl/wolfcrypt/wc_port.h, the macro "XSEEK_END" is defined twice instead of "XSEEK_SET" (on lines 608 and 609). This causes the compilation error.
608: #define XSEEK_END SEEK_SET
609: #define XSEEK_END SEEK_END
I believe that the one on line 608 should be defined as "XSEEK_SET" in order to compile successfully. Is my fix correcft? Do I need any other fixes?
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wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by hakahane
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