I'm trying to test TLS1.2 OCSP between "my own Client" and "wolfSSL Server".
Without OCSP there is no problem with handshake, but with OCSP error -188 occurs.

Client sends ClientHello with status_request extension with zero-length responder ID list.
Maybe there would be proper response, but I don't know well what it is.

Here is what I found.
1) wolfSSL_accept(ssl) => SendCertificateStatus(ssl) => CreateOcspResponse(ssl, &request, &response) => CreateOcspRequest(ssl, request, cert, der->buffer, der->length) returns non-zero.

I attached wireshark log, (OCSP part of) server.c and error log.
And I used ca1 as intermediate1-ca-cert.pem (2 for ca2, 3 for ca3) in https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl/blob … r/server.c

All I need is "proper form of CertificateStatus message".
If there are any solution or other examples, please let me know. Thank you for your help!