Hi embhorn,

I have another question not related to this topic.
I want to set minimum RSA key size of 2048 bits in compiled wolfSSL.
Could you guide me how to do that.
- Which marco I have to define ?
- Which file should I have to place that marco ?
- Do I have to compile wolfSSL again ?

Many thanks.

Thank you for your information.

Hi embhorn

Thank you for replying.

I am using wolfSSL to create TLS protocol between client and certain server.
The CA certificate is ECC-P256 as a public key cryptography.

I am wondering if my current wolfSSL supports ECC-P256.
Could you guide me how to check it ?

The version I am using is 3.15.7

I don't know how to determine that wolfssl is supported ECC P-256 algorithm in the source code.
Thank you in advance.