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static int RsaFunctionSync(......){
if (mp_exptmod_nct(tmp, &key->e, &key->n, tmp) != MP_OKAY)
How can I solve this issue?
I also encountered the same error message and also ended up at this point, where the error MP_EXPTMOD_E occurs with the note: "RSA_FUNCTION MP_EXPTMOD_E: memory/config problem". I wanted to check a signature with RSA 2048 bit. I am using the Arduino Giga R1 model and there should be no problems with the stack. I was able to solve the problem by activating the defines #define WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA and #define WOLFSSL_SP_4096 in user_settings.h.
I am programming an Arduino Giga R1 with the Android Studio and want to use the library wolfssl to use key material and certificates. When I want to load a certificate with the function "wc_InitCert()", I get the following error message "undefined reference to `wc_InitCert'". I have already emptied the cache several times. For testing I used the example project wolfssl_version and I also get this error message. The function "wc_InitCert" is implemented in the file "asn.c", which is located in the path "wolfssl\src\wolfcrypt\src\asn.c". Is it possible that it cannot find this file in Android Studio?
Thank you.
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