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OK, i found it !
it was a mistake during copying the project files.
The main expect to use/init the CRYP module instance (linked to AES) but the HAL_MSP source expect SAES...
so you're right, the module was not clocked !
Now all is fine
Thank you for the help !
dgarske wrote:Is it the same version of the CubeMX HAL for AES?
Hum, yes, both projects generated in same way..
dgarske wrote:Are you using the same AES GHASH build options, example: GCM_SMALL or GCM_TABLE_4BIT? The actual AES GCM test happens later. If it also fails then you might check to make sure the clock for the AES peripheral is enabled (__HAL_RCC_AES_CLK_ENABLE();).
I will check this, but i'm pretty sure clock is enabled
i just made a test on my board with U5A5 (same config file, same lib version, same patch)
i just works as expected without errors .. hum...
So it's OK for me, but i'm currious why it works on 1 target and not on another one..
Tested again on U545 using the lib provided main.c example..
same error during GMAC test.
I haven't seen any differences between the 2 MCU crypto... but as i said i'm a newbee in Crypto world..
yes sure, found it attached.
I have just modified it for handling U545 MCU
I generated a blank project
I just configured the project using cubeIDE to enable RNG, EAES, PKA, HASH & RTC modules.
then i added this config file and linked the library from a v5.7.2 git clone patched with the STM32 HW fix
run on NUCLEO U545-REQ board.
i will try on my own U5A5 board (but it's a little bit harder because of lack of USART)
ok, i just tested on nucleo U545 board (my own board doesn't have UART on board)
the HASH test passed..
but i get GMAC error
GMAC test failed!
error L=15541
[fiducial line numbers: 8773 27740 43402 55860]
Crypt Test: Return code -1
when undefining NO_STM32_CRYPTO
if i'm right this MCU also have crypto module as well as my U5A5..
if i do not undefined NO_STM32_CRYPTO all tests passed..
Hi dgarske,
thank for the info. i'm currently using v5.7.2-stable
ok i will try to patch it
thank you !
Hi there!
i'm a newbee regarding Crypto/SSL/etc world..
I use a STM32U5A5 MCU.
I implemented the WolfSSL library successfuly.
BUT, if it try to use STM32 hardware HASH acceleration, i have failure to communicate with TLS1.2 and/or TLS1.3.
so i tryed the provided unit tests and i get same results..
if STM32 HASH is enabled, most tests fail.. starting with:
RANDOM test failed!
if i disable HASH HW acceleration,
all tests succeed...
is someone have any clue about this problem ?
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