Thanks for the answer!
Patches are welcome.
Is there a specific way to do that, or can I use github?
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by sjakub
Pages 1
Thanks for the answer!
Patches are welcome.
Is there a specific way to do that, or can I use github?
Do you have an expected timeline for that feature?
Is it a matter of days, weeks or longer?
Even without the 'timeouts' feature, is there a way to force
wolfSSL embedded SSL to resend last handshake packet(s)? Because without
that loosing even a single handshake packet will block
the whole handshake procedure...
I also had some other issues:
- WOLFSSL_USER_IO doesn't really work with DTLS, because there is no
way to provide alternative to EmbedGenerateCookie function.
- The '-b' option of the 'server' example doesn't work with DTLS
These issues are minor and easy to change - do you accept patches?
Finally, OpenSSL provides an additional 'DTLS listen' function,
which is supposed to respond to 'client hello' messages that don't contain a cookie.
For these requests there is no need to generate a new SSL object
and allocate memory - this is supposed to help with DOS attacks.
Is there anything similar in wolfSSL? It looks like the first cookie-less
'hello' message changes the internal state of the SSL object,
so it cannot be used for responding to another cookie-less hello message.
This most likely will have to be changed anyway to support the 'timeout' feature,
but I am wondering if that feature is considered?
I am looking into porting an app from OpenSSL to wolfSSL embedded SSL.
OpenSSL has a function 'DTLSv1_handle_timeout' that can be used
to re-transmit packets when sockets in non-blocking
mode are used. Is there similar mechanism in wolfSSL?
I realize that data packets are not re-transmitted and could
be lost and that's the consequence of using DTLS,
but some method of re-transmissions is needed for DTLS'
own protocol packets...
Pages 1
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → Posts by sjakub
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