(4 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi Chris,

Only needed step 1, I had already figured out step 2. Works like a charm now ..... thanks a lot for your great help big_smile



(4 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi Chris,

Thanks a lot for the response. The -DWOLFSSL_SHA512 option did the trick, it should also be mentioned in the manual esp for C newbies like me smile

I still can't make it work on Eclipse IDE though (even after including the -D option) but at least its compiling and running from command-line. Maybe its because Eclipse compiles and links at separate stages. If you have any experience on that I will be very grateful for your advice. I've to use eclipse as I have to use the Valgrind profiling plugin that comes with it. Again, thanks a lot smile


I enabled the sha512 during the ./configure step and although i can use every other sha variant in my code, trying to use sha512 gives me "Type 'Sha512' could not be resolved"

The header file is included as well, can't see whats going wrong. I am using 2.4.0 wolfSSL embedded SSL library on Ubuntu. Please help sad