Topic: GCM via EVP
Hi all,
I have programs that use EVP with AES CBC and 3DES.
Is it planned to have AES-GCM via EVP ?? I mean, adding a kind of "wolfSSL_EVP_aes_128_gcm" usage in evp.h.
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → GCM via EVP
Hi all,
I have programs that use EVP with AES CBC and 3DES.
Is it planned to have AES-GCM via EVP ?? I mean, adding a kind of "wolfSSL_EVP_aes_128_gcm" usage in evp.h.
Hi jl,
Thank you for the question. I'll check with the team to see if anyone has this on their TODO list and let you know what I find.
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → GCM via EVP
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