Topic: [RSA-PSS verification] API to use + stack size
I try to perform a verify of a RSA-PSS signature.
To do that I use the following as seen in a example test
+ wc_RsaPSS_Verify_ex() => seems to use to decrypt the signature and extract the PSS padding
+ wc_RsaPSS_CheckPadding_ex() => to check the PSS padding
My question is:
Is my understanding is the right one ? wc_RsaPSS_Verify_ex() is used to decrypt and extract the padding only or it check the padding too ?
So if the check of the padding is done by this API what is the goal of wc_RsaPSS_CheckPadding_ex() ?
My other question is that I have seen the following flyers about the stack / heap rerssources. … ce_use.pdf
I use a v3.14 of the wolf and it seems that WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK is only used in the case of OAEP padding. So can you confirm the stack size provided by this flyer ?
Thanks for your help