Topic: Unsuccessful tls hankshake

I work with these components:

Hardware: EK-TM4C129EXL

Operating system: TI-RTOS for Tiva

XDCtools version:

Project: httpsget_EK_TM4C129EXL_TI_TivaTM4C129ENCPDT

wolfSSL Version: wolfSSL-3.10.4

My cloud access has been working for a while now. With the right certificate.

If I use another "wrong" certificate for the TLS_create function, I get -1.
However, if I use a "false" certificate so that the TLS_create function succeeds, I get the code -103 from the HTTPCli_sendRequest function.
Wolfssl code: -188

After a few attempts with this "wrong" certificate, the program counter will hang in the wolfSSL files. See image.

The program hangs within the function HTTPCli_sendRequest
and will not come back When I stop the program you can see that it is stuck in the WolfSSL file.

Can it be that the used memory is not released again in the case of an unsuccessful TLS handshake?

Best regards

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Re: Unsuccessful tls hankshake

These issues were fixed as of PR:
Fixes are in release  4.1.0

- KH