Topic: TPM2_IoCb_STCubeMX_I2C
I need to use the function TPM2_IoCb_STCubeMX_I2C, because I can't use SPI with my project. But this one is missing in tpm_io.c
How I can fix this or how I can find this ?
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfTPM → TPM2_IoCb_STCubeMX_I2C
I need to use the function TPM2_IoCb_STCubeMX_I2C, because I can't use SPI with my project. But this one is missing in tpm_io.c
How I can fix this or how I can find this ?
Hi Et,
We just added preliminary support for CubeMX I2C HAL in tpm_io.c
Please clone and try the code in this PR -
To enable CubeMX I2C HAL:
1. wolfTPM must be build using `--enable-i2c`
2. Your OpenSTM or STM32IDE project should have the following define in its project settings: `WOLFSSL_STM32_CUBEMX`
Let us know if you have further questions.
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfTPM → TPM2_IoCb_STCubeMX_I2C
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