Topic: How can i get the exponent and modulus of RSA public key with wolSSL?
the following is part of my project , is it possible to get both local and peer rsa public key's modulus and exponent using wolfssl 2.4.6? i found it some functions are empty, not implemented,i need to get the above modules and exponents to digest using sha256......thank you ~
void modulus_and_exponent(CYASSL_X509 *cert, uint8_t *acExponentBuf,
uint8_t *acModulusBuf, int *elen, int *mlen)
CYASSL_EVP_PKEY *pkey = CyaSSL_X509_get_pubkey(cert);
CYASSL_RSA *rsa_public_key = NULL;
rsa_public_key = CyaSSL_EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey);
if (rsa_public_key != NULL)
*elen = CyaSSL_BN_bn2bin(rsa_public_key->e,acExponentBuf);
*mlen = CyaSSL_BN_bn2bin(rsa_public_key->n,acModulusBuf);
int GetAlpha(uint8_t nonce, CYASSL *ssl, uint8_t *FinalDigestValue)
#define SHA_256_MAX 1024
EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx;
const EVP_MD *md;
//get both modules and exponents
CYASSL_X509 *LocalCert, *PeerCert;
uint8_t acLocalExponentBuf[128] =
{ 0 };
uint8_t acLocalModulusBuf[2048] =
{ 0 };
uint8_t acPeerExponentBuf[128] =
{ 0 };
uint8_t acPeerModulusBuf[2048] =
{ 0 };
PeerCert = CyaSSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl);
LocalCert = CyaSSL_get_certificate(ssl);
int elenLoc,mlenLoc;
int elenPeer,mlenPeer;
modulus_and_exponent(LocalCert, acLocalExponentBuf, acLocalModulusBuf,&elenLoc, &mlenLoc);
modulus_and_exponent(PeerCert, acPeerExponentBuf, acPeerModulusBuf, &elenPeer, &mlenPeer);
Sha256 hash;
byte digest[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];
double start, total, persec;
Sha256Update(&hash, acPeerModulusBuf, mlenPeer);
Sha256Update(&hash, acPeerExponentBuf, elenPeer);
Sha256Update(&hash, acLocalModulusBuf, mlenLoc);
Sha256Update(&hash, acLocalExponentBuf, elenLoc);
Sha256Update(&hash, &nonce, 1);
Sha256Final(&hash, digest);
strncpy(FinalDigestValue, digest, 1);
return SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;