Topic: Apple iCloud
Dear All,
I use sSmtp and wolfSSL to send mail through Gmail and Yahoo. The result is great but iCloud failed. Is someone who experienced?
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → Apple iCloud
Dear All,
I use sSmtp and wolfSSL to send mail through Gmail and Yahoo. The result is great but iCloud failed. Is someone who experienced?
Hi Marvin,
Do you have more details about the connection failure? Can you try enabling debug messages in CyaSSL?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Marvin,
Do you have more details about the connection failure? Can you try enabling debug messages in CyaSSL?
Hi Marvin,
Can you re-test with the current wolfSSL version? It looks like you were getting an ASN parse error. We recently fixed an area which had been causing a parse error with some optional constraints.
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → Apple iCloud
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