Topic: CPV (Certificate Path/Chain Validation)
Dear sir,
May I know which function in the WolfSSL library will support Certificate Path Validation following section 6.1 in RFC3280?
Many thanks!!
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → CPV (Certificate Path/Chain Validation)
Dear sir,
May I know which function in the WolfSSL library will support Certificate Path Validation following section 6.1 in RFC3280?
Many thanks!!
Hi windsp,
wolfSSL does certificate validation internally during an SSL/TLS connection. If you need to validate certain peer certificates manually during the SSL/TLS handshake you can do so by registering your own verify callback as the third parameter when calling wolfSSL_CTX_set_verify(). By default the verify callback will only be called upon validation failure unless WOLFSSL_ALWAYS_VERIFY_CB is defined.
If you instead are looking to validate certificates standalone from an SSL/TLS connection, you can use the wolfSSL CertManager functionality. These functions are found in <wolfssl/ssl.h>. You can view the API docs at the following URL [1], as well as a simple example [2].
Best Regards,
[1] … nager.html
[2] … ertmanager
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → CPV (Certificate Path/Chain Validation)
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