Secure Your Apple HomeKit Espressif ESP32 Devices with wolfSSL

wolfSSL is proud to announce that wolfCrypt is being used to secure Espressif ESP32 devices on the Apple ® HomeKit ecosystem. Use wolfSSL on your own ESP32 (or any other embedded device!) along with the many other commercially available Apple Home Accessories to control and monitor nearly anything. Use wolfSSL encryption to keep communication between devices secure.

We recently became aware of the popular open source Homekit project that [AchimPieters] is working on with the esp32-homekit-demo. See also the Espressif Homekit SDK and the Apple HomeKit ADK.

Any good demo starts with a Hello World application. In the world of embedded devices, that’s of course typically the blinking LED. Check out the Homekit LED Example. Special thanks to [Julien C] that helped test and fine-tune wolfSSL to work with the demo and his iPhone!

Which Espressif device do you have? The classic ESP32? The updated ESP32-S3? Perhaps the RISC-V ESP32-C3? We support them all.

Just getting started with wolfSSL? Check out our blog on wolfSSL as a Managed Component and the Preview Blog for wolfSSH and wolfMQTT Managed components. You can add wolfSSL support to your Espressif project with just one line: add-dependency "wolfssl/wolfssl^5.6.0-stable"

If you have an ESP32 product idea for the Apple Homekit or some other platform, or questions about any of the above, please contact us at or call us at +1 425 245 8247 to learn more. We work with any size organization from the smallest garage maker to the largest Fortune 500 companies.

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