Switching to wolfCrypt’s Implementations of Post-Quantum Algorithms

Have you been trying out post-quantum algorithms in wolfSSL’s products? As you probably know, here at wolfSSL we have a step-wise approach to post-quantum algorithm integration:

  1. Define an API in wolfCrypt.
  2. Do an integration with an existing reference implementation (ie.: liboqs, PQM4, hash-sigs liblms, xmss-reference).
  3. Use these APIs in higher level libraries and products (ie.: wolfssl, wolfssh, wolfmqtt, wolfboot) to implement features.
  4. Invest the time and effort to write and optimize our own production grade implementation of the algorithm.

For LMS, XMSS, ML-KEM and ML-DSA the time has finally come to switch to using wolfSSL’s implementations of these algorithms. It’s very simple to do so. If you are using any of the following configure-time flags simply remove them from your configure command-line:


Then ensure you are enabling the relevant algorithm that you are interested in. Relevant flags are:


Once this is done, you will be using our professionally optimized and tested implementations of post-quantum algorithms.

If you have questions about any of the above, please contact us at facts@wolfSSL.com or +1 425 245 8247.

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