Whitewood Quantum RNG Support in wolfSSL

Are you interested in seeding wolfSSL with quantum entropy?  wolfSSL has recently partnered with Whitewood Encryption Systems to bring support for the Whitewood netRandom client library to wolfSSL.

Whitewood netRandom is a client/server solution for delivery true random numbers.  The netRandom server includes the Whitewood Entropy Engine – a hardware-based high-performance, quantum random number generator.  A netRandom client securely connects to this server to retrieve quantum entropy.  This is beneficial in environments where it is tough or impossible to locally generate good random numbers.  Since the security of a cryptosystem is dependent on true random numbers, this is very important for users of wolfSSL and wolfCrypt.

When wolfSSL is compiled with support for the netRandom client library API, wolfSSL’s PRNG will be seeded with quantum random numbers from the netRandom server.  Users can compile wolfSSL with netRandom support by using the following ./configure option or by defining HAVE_WNR when compiling wolfSSL:

–with-wnr=PATH      Path to Whitewood netRandom install (default /usr/local)

netRandom support adds the following two functions to the wolfSSL API, through the header:

int wc_InitNetRandom(const char* configFile, wnr_hmac_key hmac_cb, int timeout);
int wc_FreeNetRandom(void);

An application should call wc_InitNetRandom() once during startup, passing it the netRandom configuration file, optional HMAC callback, and entropy timeout.  wc_FreeNetRandom() should be called upon application shutdown to free the netRandom context.

Usage examples can be found in the wolfSSL example applications, located in under the “./examples” directory of the wolfSSL download.  netRandom support is currently available in the development branch of wolfSSL and will be incorporated into the next stable release as well.

For more information about using the wolfSSL embedded SSL/TLS library with the Whitewood netRandom client library, contact us at facts@wolfssl.com.

Whitewood Encryption Systems
Whitewood netRandom