wolfCrypt JCE Provider and JNI Wrapper 1.6.0 Now Available

wolfCrypt JNI/JCE 1.6.0 is now available for download!

wolfCrypt JNI/JCE provides Java-based applications with an easy way to use the native wolfCrypt cryptography library. The thin JNI wrapper can be used for direct JNI calls into native wolfCrypt, or the JCE provider (wolfJCE) can be registered as a Java Security provider for seamless integration underneath the Java Security API. wolfCrypt JNI/JCE also supports running on top of wolfCrypt FIPS 140-2 and the upcoming wolfCrypt 140-3 modules for easy conformance to FIPS cryptography requirements in your Java-based application or service.

Release 1.6.0 contains a significant number of bug fixes, changes, and new features to help better support application usage of the Java Security APIs as well as 3rd party Java frameworks that consume JCE providers internally. This release adds new JCE class implementations, new algorithm modes, Windows support, and improves automated testing with GitHub Actions across several Java JDK implementations and versions.

New functionality added in this release is summarized below, but please see ChangeLog.md for a full list that includes all changes and fixes.

New Functionality

New JCE Functionality:

  • Add RSA support to KeyPairGenerator class (PR 49)
  • Add AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding support to Cipher class (PR 51)
  • Add RSA support to Cipher class (PR 51)
  • Add PKIX implementation of CertPathValidator class (PR 60, 66)
  • Add SHA1 alias for MessageDigest SHA-1 for interop compatibility (PR 61)
  • Add AES/GCM/NoPadding support to Cipher class (PR 62)
  • Add SecretKeyFactory implementation supporting PBKDF2 (PR 70)
  • Add DEFAULT support to SecureRandom class (PR 72)

New JNI Wrapped APIs and Functionality:

  • Add AES-GCM support to com.wolfssl.wolfcrypt.AesGcm class (PR 62)

New Platform Support:

Build System Changes:

  • Support custom wolfSSL library prefix and name in makefile.linux (PR 45)
  • Standardize JNI library name on OSX to .dylib (PR 54)
  • Update Maven build support (PR 55)

Testing Changes:

  • Add extended threading test for WolfCryptRandom class (PR 44)
  • Add Facebook Infer test script, make fixes (PR 48, 63)
  • Add GitHub Actions tests for Oracle/Zulu/Coretto/Temurin/Microsoft JDKs on Linux and OS X (PR 65)

wolfCrypt JNI/JCE 1.6.0 can be downloaded from the wolfSSL download page, and an updated version of the wolfSSL JNI/JSSE User Manual can be found here. For any questions, or to get help using wolfSSL in your product or projects, contact us at support@wolfSSL.com.

If you have questions about any of the above, please contact us at facts@wolfSSL.com or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

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