Since earlier versions, wolfSSL's embedded SSL/TLS library has been included with MPLAB Harmony. MPLAB Harmony is a flexible, fully integrated embedded software development framework for 32-bit MCUs and MPUs. Recently, MPLAB Harmony version 3 was released, with wolfSSL packaged within! The new release of MPLAB Harmony features aspects from the latest version of wolfSSL, version 3.15.7. wolfSSL is included in such a way that the example applications, demos, and source code of the wolfSSL library can be easily integrated and executed with other MPLAB projects. Additionally, other software libraries and examples are also being included in this new release of MPLAB Harmony, such as CMSIS-FreeRTOS.
For more information on the new release of MPLAB Harmony v3, please visit Microchip's page here:
For more information about wolfSSL, wolfSSL with MPLAB Harmony, or other general inquiries, please contact