wolfSSL on the Xtensa ESP32-S3 Linux

With our ongoing development of world-class commercial-grade cryptography solutions for the Espressif products, wolfSSL is proud to announce support for the ESP32-S3 Embedded Linux Kernel!

Our very own [gojimmypi] was able to get the wolfSSL wolfcrypt tests running successfully as an app on the embedded Linux environment thanks to the work of [jcmvbkbc] on linux-xtensa. For additional details on building the ESP32-S3 Linux kernel toolchain, see: https://gojimmypi.github.io/ESP32-S3-Linux/

Linux on the tiny and inexpensive ESP32-S3 is an exciting development that opens many more ideas of what is possible for embedded solutions.

If you’d like to build your own wolfSSL app for the ESP32-S3 Linux Kernel, here’s one possible configuration:

./configure \

  --host=xtensa-esp32s3-linux-uclibcfdpic \

  CC=xtensa-esp32s3-linux-uclibcfdpic-gcc \

  AR=xtensa-esp32s3-linux-uclibcfdpic-ar \

  STRIP=xtensa-esp32s3-linux-uclibcfdpic-strip \

  RANLIB=xtensa-esp32s3-linux-uclibcfdpic-ranlib \

  --prefix=/mnt/s3linux/build-xtensa-2023.02-fdpic-esp32s3/target/opt \



  --disable-filesystem --disable-shared --enable-psk

This new environment for wolfSSL also prompted addition of yet another test for the best tested cryptography: a read-only filesystem const pointer test in case you forget to compile with the proper read-only flash file system directives:

CFLAGS="-mfdpic -mforce-l32 …”

The first question many people ask: How fast is wolfSSL on an embedded Linux for the ESP32-S3? Initial findings show that the wolfSSL cipher computational benchmark performance is similar between the Linux app on the ESP32-S3 kernel and the ESP32-WROOM programmed with the ESP-IDF. 

See some of our other recent prior blogs on Espressif news:

There’s also support for wolfSSL on Espressif and more Espressif resources

Do you have any questions related to using wolfSSL in your next project? Contact us at facts@wolfSSL.com, or call us at +1 425 245 8247 to learn more.