Hi! Some of you know that the IETF working group on TLS is creating the specification for TLS 1.3. We plan to upgrade wolfSSL to the TLS 1.3 specification as soon as the spec is finalized, or even close to finalized. We are always aggressive with implementing the new TLS specifications, because we like to supply the community with a good test bed. We did a great job getting TLS 1.2 out right away, as well as DTLS 1.2, and the community appreciated the effort. We plan to continue our tradition of being quick with new protocol level changes.
If you`re interested in what TLS 1.3 thinking is so far, then look here: https://www.ietf.org/proceedings/87/slides/slides-87-tls-5.pdf. If you have TLS 1.3 questions or comments, you are welcome to email us at facts@wolfssl.com or call us at +1 425 245 8247.