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Algorithms - ChaCha20_Poly1305


int wc_ChaCha20Poly1305_Encrypt(const byte inKey[CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_KEYSIZE], const byte inIV[CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_IV_SIZE], const byte * inAAD, const word32 inAADLen, const byte * inPlaintext, const word32 inPlaintextLen, byte * outCiphertext, byte outAuthTag[CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_AUTHTAG_SIZE])
This function encrypts an input message, inPlaintext, using the ChaCha20 stream cipher, into the output buffer, outCiphertext. It also performs Poly_1305 authentication (on the cipher text), and stores the generated authentication tag in the output buffer, outAuthTag.
int wc_ChaCha20Poly1305_Decrypt(const byte inKey[CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_KEYSIZE], const byte inIV[CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_IV_SIZE], const byte * inAAD, const word32 inAADLen, const byte * inCiphertext, const word32 inCiphertextLen, const byte inAuthTag[CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_AUTHTAG_SIZE], byte * outPlaintext)
This function decrypts input ciphertext, inCiphertext, using the ChaCha20 stream cipher, into the output buffer, outPlaintext. It also performs Poly_1305 authentication, comparing the given inAuthTag to an authentication generated with the inAAD (arbitrary length additional authentication data). Note: If the generated authentication tag does not match the supplied authentication tag, the text is not decrypted.

Functions Documentation

function wc_ChaCha20Poly1305_Encrypt

int wc_ChaCha20Poly1305_Encrypt(
    const byte inKey[CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_KEYSIZE],
    const byte inIV[CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_IV_SIZE],
    const byte * inAAD,
    const word32 inAADLen,
    const byte * inPlaintext,
    const word32 inPlaintextLen,
    byte * outCiphertext,
    byte outAuthTag[CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_AUTHTAG_SIZE]

This function encrypts an input message, inPlaintext, using the ChaCha20 stream cipher, into the output buffer, outCiphertext. It also performs Poly-1305 authentication (on the cipher text), and stores the generated authentication tag in the output buffer, outAuthTag.


  • inKey pointer to a buffer containing the 32 byte key to use for encryption
  • inIv pointer to a buffer containing the 12 byte iv to use for encryption
  • inAAD pointer to the buffer containing arbitrary length additional authenticated data (AAD)
  • inAADLen length of the input AAD
  • inPlaintext pointer to the buffer containing the plaintext to encrypt
  • inPlaintextLen the length of the plain text to encrypt
  • outCiphertext pointer to the buffer in which to store the ciphertext
  • outAuthTag pointer to a 16 byte wide buffer in which to store the authentication tag



  • 0 Returned upon successfully encrypting the message
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if there is an error during the encryption process


byte key[] = { // initialize 32 byte key };
byte iv[]  = { // initialize 12 byte key };
byte inAAD[] = { // initialize AAD };

byte plain[] = { // initialize message to encrypt };
byte cipher[sizeof(plain)];
byte authTag[16];

int ret = wc_ChaCha20Poly1305_Encrypt(key, iv, inAAD, sizeof(inAAD),
plain, sizeof(plain), cipher, authTag);

if(ret != 0) {
    // error running encrypt

function wc_ChaCha20Poly1305_Decrypt

int wc_ChaCha20Poly1305_Decrypt(
    const byte inKey[CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_KEYSIZE],
    const byte inIV[CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_IV_SIZE],
    const byte * inAAD,
    const word32 inAADLen,
    const byte * inCiphertext,
    const word32 inCiphertextLen,
    const byte inAuthTag[CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_AUTHTAG_SIZE],
    byte * outPlaintext

This function decrypts input ciphertext, inCiphertext, using the ChaCha20 stream cipher, into the output buffer, outPlaintext. It also performs Poly-1305 authentication, comparing the given inAuthTag to an authentication generated with the inAAD (arbitrary length additional authentication data). Note: If the generated authentication tag does not match the supplied authentication tag, the text is not decrypted.


  • inKey pointer to a buffer containing the 32 byte key to use for decryption
  • inIv pointer to a buffer containing the 12 byte iv to use for decryption
  • inAAD pointer to the buffer containing arbitrary length additional authenticated data (AAD)
  • inAADLen length of the input AAD
  • inCiphertext pointer to the buffer containing the ciphertext to decrypt
  • outCiphertextLen the length of the ciphertext to decrypt
  • inAuthTag pointer to the buffer containing the 16 byte digest for authentication
  • outPlaintext pointer to the buffer in which to store the plaintext



  • 0 Returned upon successfully decrypting the message
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if any of the function arguments do not match what is expected
  • MAC_CMP_FAILED_E Returned if the generated authentication tag does not match the supplied inAuthTag.


byte key[]   = { // initialize 32 byte key };
byte iv[]    = { // initialize 12 byte key };
byte inAAD[] = { // initialize AAD };

byte cipher[]    = { // initialize with received ciphertext };
byte authTag[16] = { // initialize with received authentication tag };

byte plain[sizeof(cipher)];

int ret = wc_ChaCha20Poly1305_Decrypt(key, iv, inAAD, sizeof(inAAD),
cipher, sizeof(cipher), authTag, plain);

if(ret == MAC_CMP_FAILED_E) {
    // error during authentication
} else if( ret != 0) {
    // error with function arguments

Updated on 2025-03-25 at 01:16:50 +0000